Michelle Matus

4th February 2016
Michelle Matus

“The Fellowship allowed me to explore new ideas, reexamine old beliefs, and develop a deeper understanding of my own country and of Egypt. I could have never anticipated the influence that the Gabr Fellowship would have on my life. Twenty exceptional people embarked on an epic journey of discovery where we quickly became friends and by the end, consider each other family. I will forever be grateful for the discussions we had with distinguished leaders, as well as my counterparts on the trip. The insights we gained will prove invaluable to our professional lives as we move forward. The Fellowship doesn’t end after the last person boards a plane -- we continue the relationships we made to build a stronger future between the East and the West. I cannot express the gratitude I have for Mr. Shafik Gabr for giving me this transformational opportunity.”
Michelle Matus
Multimedia Journalist