Reem Soliman, Gabr Fellow. June 17th 2013

4th February 2016
“My past few days in the Fellowship were the hardest, yet am still blessed to be here the Action projects began, and at first I was kind of depressed because I couldn't apply my idea, everyone accepted to help but they also preferred to make their own idea with their own group, so I decided to choose the closest thing to my skills , seek the opportunity in it, and try to give it my best and my own touch. My group now are giving more ideas, brainstorming and planning. On the other side, I just loved Alexandria and now Luxor, I can see Youssef Chahine everywhere in Winter Palace, learning so much about myself and about life. I'm now looking forward to the Action Project final plan.”
Reem Soliman, Gabr Fellow. June 17th 2013