Monthly Archives: February 2016

Interview with Mr Shafik Gabr

Interview with Mr Shafik Gabr

Thursday November 15th 2012

Interview with Mr Shafik Gabr at the launch of East-West: The Art of Dialogue. He discusses why he became a collector of Orientalist Art, what inspired him to set up the Shafik Gabr Foundation programme and what he hopes to achieve by holding events such as East-West: The Art of Dialogue Initiative.

MBC East West: The Art of Dialogue

MBC East West: The Art of Dialogue

Tuesday February 19th 2013

MBC cover the launch in London; featuring interviews with The Right Honourable Tony Blair, Mr Shafik Gabr, Mr Hussein Fahmy and Mr Hussein Shobokshi.

Saudi TV: East West: The Art of Dialogue

Saudi TV: East West: The Art of Dialogue

Tuesday February 19th 2013

Saudi TV cover the launch in London; featuring interviews with Mr Shafik Gabr, Mr Hussein Shobokshi and Mr Hussein Fahmy.