Yearly Archives: 2016

Sir Graeme Lamb interview at the New York Launch Event

Sir Graeme Lamb interview at the New York Launch Event

Monday December 3rd 2012

Sir Graeme Lamb, Former Commander of the UK Field Army at Land Command, Jackson Institure for Global Affairs, Yale University, discusses key questions regarding the importance of communication at the launch of the East-West: The Art of Dialogue initiative in New York.
The initiative has been launched by the Shafik Gabr Foundation (US).
The initiative will allow young emerging leaders to participate in exchange programs between the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

Sanford Climan interview at the New York Launch Event

Sanford Climan interview at the New York Launch Event

Monday December 3rd 2012

Sanford Climan, President of Entertainment Media Ventures, discusses key questions regarding art and cross-cultural communication at the launch of the East-West: The Art of Dialogue initiative in New York.
The initiative has been launched by the Shafik Gabr Foundation (US).
The initiative will allow young emerging leaders to participate in exchange programs between the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

Highlights of the New York Launch Event

Highlights of the New York Launch Event

Monday December 3rd 2012

Video highlights of the New York Launch Event, held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on December 3rd 2012.

Speakers include: Mr Shafik Gabr, Erin Burnett, Lord Mark Poltimore, Sanford Climan, Hussein Fahmy, Nayan Chanda, Sir Graeme Lamb, Mazen Darwazah, Brian Sullivan, John Sununu and James Zogby.