Category Archives: Videos

2015 Annual Ramadan Iftar Tent

2015 Annual Ramadan Iftar Tent

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Every year, the Mohamed Shafik Gabr Foundation for Social Development welcomes hundreds of guests to the mawa-ed al-rahman (‘tables of mercy’) during Ramadan, where the poor can break their daily fast. Serving top quality meals the ‘mawa-ed’ are supervised by the Foundation management team and direct support from Mr. Shafik Gabr, Chairman of the Shafik Gabr Foundation in Egypt.

Gabr Fellowship 2015

Gabr Fellowship 2015

Thursday October 15th 2015

Includes highlights of the Micro clinic Action Project Launch and a thank you speech for Mr Shafik Gabr, from the Gabr Fellows of 2015.

Gabr Fellowship 2014

Gabr Fellowship 2014

Friday, June 27th 2014

Includes an interview with 2014 Gabr fellows Jermiah Bowden and Zyad Elkilani for Radio Beladithe.

Gabr Fellowship 2013

Gabr Fellowship 2013

Wednesday October 30th 2013

Includes the First Class Gabr Fellows special event and a slideshow from the Gabr Fellows program of 2013.