- Gabr Fellows at Yale
- Gabr Fellows in the New York Subway
- Gabr Fellows
- Gabr Fellows in New Haven
- Gabr Fellows in New Haven
- Reem and Mohga in New Haven
- Ahmed El Habibi
- Harroun, Leslie and Amr
- Mubarek and Alex
- Moatez and Christina
- Daniel, Reem, Mohga and Becca at Yale
- Beth and Habibi at Yale
- Gabr Fellows at Yale
- Gabr Fellows at Yale
- Gabr Fellows at Yale
- Prof. Sallama Shaker with Gabr Fellows
- Prof. Sallama Shaker with Gabr Fellows
- Prof. Sallama Shaker with Gabr Fellows
- Prof. Sallama Shaker and Daniel Sullivan
- Gabr Fellows at Yale Lecture
- Gabr Fellows at Yale Lecture
- Gabr Fellows at Yale University
- Mr Shafik Gabr and Elizabeth Goodyear
- Mr Shafik Gabr, Adelaide, Malak and Elizabeth Goodyear
- Adelaide Goodyear and Malak Gabr
- Mr Shafik Gabr and guest at Yale dinner
- Mr Shafik Gabr and Malak Gabr
- Mr Shafik Gabr and Mohammed Mubarak
- Mr Shafik Gabr and Miranda Melcher
- Mr Shafik Gabr and Prof. Kishwar Rizwi
- Gabr Fellows in New Haven
- Prof. Sallam, Dr Ghaleb and Prof. Colleen Manassa with Gabr Fellows
- Beth Cartier and Daniel Sullivan
- Mohammed Mubarak and Christina Fallon at Yale
- Moataz Hussein and Becca at Yale
- Leslie Lang and Jeff Walls at Yale
- Prof. Colleen Manassa and Gabr Fellows
- Shereen Tawfik and Gabr Fellows
- Amr Ismaeil, Leslie Land and Dr Ghaleb Abdel Rahman
- Dinner at New Haven
- Elizabeth Goodyear, Prof. Emma Skyand and Mr Shafik Gabr
- Mohammed Mubarak
- Ahmed El Habibi
- Gabr Fellows at Ground Zero, New York
- Gabr Fellows at Ground Zero, New York
- Habibi, Moataz, Nagy and Mubarak in New York
- Gabr Fellows in New York
- Gabr Fellows in New York
- Habibi and Nagy with Spiderman and Ironman
- Nagy and Gabr Fellows in New York
- Gabr Fellows in New York
- Gabr Fellows with Arianna Huffington
- Gabr Fellows at Times Square
- Gabr Fellows at Brennan Center for Justice, New York
- Reem Soliman on Huff Post
- Daniel Sullivan on Huff Post
- Gabr Fellows on Huff Post
- Gabr Fellows at the Martin Luther King Center
- Gabr Fellows at the Martin Luther King Center
- Gabr Fellows at the Martin Luther King Center
- Gabr Fellows at the Martin Luther King Center
- Alex, Mubarak and Nagy in New York
- Amr, Habibi and Mubarak in New York
- Gabr Fellows at Coca Cola Exhibition
- Gabr Fellows
- Gabr Fellows with Coca Cola staff
- Coca Cola presentation on branding
- Gabr Fellows meet CNN anchors and producers
- CNN Meeting
- Gabr Fellows at CNN HQ
- Gabr Fellows at The White House
- Reem in front of Kamehameha statue, US Capitol
- Nagy in front of Kamehameha statue, US Capitol
- Gabr Fellows at the US Capitol
- Meeting with Alina Romanowski, Acting Assistant Administrator for the Middles East Bureau
- Egyptian Fellows at CNN HQ
- Gabr Fellows at Yale
- Gabr Fellows at Yale debate
- Prof. Salama Shaker and Gabr Fellows
- Gabr Fellows at Yale
- Beth Cartier and Daniel Sullivan